When you need online tutoring by certified educators, Tutor Squad is here for you.
Our tutors help you to prepare for upcoming tests and/or college exams right from
your home, office or on location with our online tutoring from Tutor-Squad.org. Our
tutors provide help, never answers, and they are available to assist anyone in need.
Our future goal is to have more than 100 qualified tutors in our virtual network.
Our tutors are not motivated by money but instead by helping students to succeed
in their academic future. Check out our library of professional teachers and contact
us today to speak with a consultant about your specific problem areas. We look forward
to helping you get closer to your future goals in life.
What We Offer?
- Math
- Science
- Writing
- English
- History
- General Knowledge Exam (Math)-study manual included.
- GED (Math)-study manual included.
- Homework Assistance
- College Prep
- Act/Sat
Benefit from a total learning experience within a virtual classroom by
contacting our Jacksonville Florida educators today for your session.