Prepare for upcoming exams right from your home, office or on location with our online
tutoring from, based out of Jacksonville, Florida. We offer a virtual
classroom straight from your personal computer by certified educators ready to help
you learn. Online tutoring sessions are designed by our certified teachers/tutors
to expand your knowledge. Our tutors provide help, never answers, and they are available
to assist anyone in need. You're entitled to an education, so contact us for affordable
tutoring that helps you to succeed. We also offer a reward program to help you earn (money)
as you learn. Ask us how!
Tutor -Squad specializes in virtual online tutoring for parents and students alike.
Our virtual classrooms focus on all class subjects with online tutoring scheduled
as many as 3 times a week. We have you fill out a registration form, and then contact
you with your teacher and class times assigned to you. Depending on your needs, we
schedule online tutoring as often as necessary and can provide individual or group
tutoring to best fit your academic problem areas.
Tutor Squad
Jacksonville, FL 32207
Phone: (904) 000-0000
Pass Your Tests The Affordable Way With Our Virtual Online Classes